Sunday, March 25, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Three kids is a lot of work...even more so, now that Nathan has gone back to work himself. It's hard to find time to do anything that doesn't revolve around feeding, playing with, or diapering these days, but I love it most of the time. Jacob and Ellie have discovered a love for pudding. It's not a bad snack for them, so I usually don't mind when they ask for it. I think I need to start buying vanilla though as you can see from this next picture. Mom calls Ellie "Pig Pen" because she is such a messy eater...funny, because she is a very neat child otherwise!

Emmy turned 1-month old and 4-weeks old on March 21st (which was also World Down Syndrome Day). She is getting so big! We had a weight check on Wed. and she is up to 9 lbs. (gaining 1 whole lb. in 2 weeks!). Her dr. was impressed with her progress. Emmaline can hold her head up fairly well and can almost roll from tummy to back. She is still not hearing very well out of her left ear, so we have yet another hearing test to do. Her test this week took 3 hours because she kept waking up and they couldn't get good results. They will sedate her for the next one, so hopefully it won't take as long and we can find out what is wrong with that ear.

Jacob is such a good big brother to Emmy and he loves to get down on the floor next to her when she has tummy time. It is not her favorite activity at the moment, but I'm hoping it will grow on her as it is necessary to help build up her muscle tone. Here's a pic. of them together:

Until next time!

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