We got a new pool today. The old one has been around since before we had kids (we bought it for the dogs to play in!), so we thought it was time to get a better one for the kids. It took awhile to blow it up (thank God for the automatic pump on our van) and fill it, but then the fun began. It started out with just Jacob in it (Ellie didn't want to get wet). Then, I joined in the splashing fun. That progressed to throwing buckets of water at Nathan and then an all-out hose war. Jacob called it a squirt fight! Here are some pics. from the beginning (we had to take the camera inside so it wouldn't get drenched!):

Dunking Jacob

Ellie "dries" off
On a funny note: Ellie, Emmy, and I were out running errands today. On the way home, Emmy started to cry. Since Ellie was sitting in the back, I told her to talk to Emmy to make her feel better. I couldn't keep from laughing when I heard Ellie tell her baby sister "Knock it off!" Not exactly the comforting words I hoped for. =)
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