Sunday, April 1, 2007

Emmy's 1st Sunday at Church

Happy April! Now that RSV season is officially over, we were able to take Emmaline to church for the first time. Everyone thought she was so beautiful. She was very good and slept the entire time we were there. It was so nice to be back. I really missed the fellowship and singing!

After church we went to lunch with Mom, Dad, and Andy to Frisch's. When we got there, Jacob ran ahead of me to the door and held it open for an older couple that was walking out. The older man wanted to know who he belonged to and when I answered that he was mine, he said that he wanted to commend me on raising such a fine boy. He and his wife were surprised and delighted to see that a 4-year old knew to hold the door open when someone else was coming out. What a compliment! I was so proud of him! It's moments like these that remind me why I love being a mommy! Here is a pic. of Jacob cuddling with Emmy before we left for church this morning. Can you tell he loves his baby sis!
For those that knew, I am pretty much recovered from strep throat now and so far no one else in the house has come down with it. It took almost 48 hours for the antibiotics to kick in but finally I can hardly tell when I swallow. On a positive note, I lost a few more "baby" pounds on the days I couldn't swallow! :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm glad you are feeling better and made it back to church! I guess it's a good thing we didn't get together since you were sick, too!
In this picture, Jacob looks SO much like Nathan. And it sounds like he's a sweetheart, too!