After our hike, we finished the Roaring Fork Motor Trail. We saw lots of different homesteads. Jacob and Ellie liked running around and exploring.

Jacob thought this rock looked like a surfboard
while Ellie thought it looked like an old-fashioned slide

Jacob's pose in this pic. cracks me up

Ellie at "The Place of a Thousand Drips"

Katie, Me, and Ellie

Jacob by a mill
He liked how the water made diamond shapes as it rushed down the chute

Katie was standing on this log trying to take a picture of the flower in the top left corner of this pic. Her first attempt at log surfing was not successful!

Luckily she had a change of clothes in the van. While she changed behind the van door, we heard Jacob and Ellie giggling. It was at that point that she realized they could see her through the window. Too funny!
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