Sunday, December 2, 2007

MVDSA Christmas Party

Today was the Christmas Party for the Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association. The kids had a good time. They had a group of cloggers perform, there was a karaoke machine set up with Christmas carols, and there were tons of door prizes given out. Ellie and Emmaline both won the prize bags they put their names in for, which left Jacob feeling left out, but he got over it (eventually!). The kids were also able to see Santa, although at separate times. After waiting in line for 10 minutes, Jacob decided he had to use the restroom. The girls got their picture taken together, but Emmaline had fallen asleep at that point (see below). Jacob was able to get his picture taken after the aforementioned potty break.

Jen and Emmaline

Jacob tells Santa what he wants for Christmas

Emmy is fast asleep while Ellie and Santa pose for a picture

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