Friday, October 22, 2010

In a Cabin in the Woods

We've been renting a cabin at Cowan Lake for as long as I can remember. This is the first year we had two cabins and it worked out well. Our cabin became known as the party cabin and we spent the evenings (after the kids were in bed) "discussing", playing games, and having a great time.
Playing dominos with Daddy
Snuggles with Emmy
Sai learned to play "Peanut"...a must in our family!

The girls in matching Buzz Lightyear jammies...both pairs belonged to Jacob at one time or another
Have you ever seen "The Office" episode where Michael and Jan host a dinner party and he brags about how he installed his flat-screen tv by himself? This tiny tv (quite a down-size from the one that was there last year and the only one in the cabin!) reminded me of his!

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