Saturday, September 8, 2007

Off to Pennsylvania!

Bright and early this morning (okay, it was more like 10 0'clock), we departed for our family vacation to Pennsylvania. In order to save on gas and headaches from trying to caravan, Nathan's parents (who were traveling with us) rented a twelve-passenger van. We took out the last row in order to make room for all of our stuff and I'm glad to say that, despite my doubts, everything fit and we still had extra room! We drove 8 hours and pulled into Gettysburg, PA around 8 pm. The kids were wonderful (even though Jacob and Ellie didn't nap the entire time!)and kept entertained by watching the dvd player (thanks Papaw Kevin!) and playing with the surprises that Grandma had stashed in her bag. After all of our stuff was unloaded at the hotel-o (a term Jacob coined), we spent some time at the pool to relax. It was Emmaline's first time in a real pool and she loved it. The thermostat for the pool and whirlpool must have been mixed-up because the pool was a toasty 90 degrees! After swimming, we headed back to our room for baths and some much needed sleep.

Emmy plays with the dvd remote

Ellie and Jacob relax in the hot pool

Finally, down for the night!

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