Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Trip to the Aquarium

Today we went to the Newport Aquarium with some friends from church. The kids had a great time seeing all the fish and other animals. Afterwards, we went to lunch at McDonald's where a very nice worker gave all the kids free ice cream.
Emmy liked watching the fish swim by
They finally opened a kids play area called "Frog Bog".
Here's Ellie on a green frog
Jacob liked this blue one
Each frog had a button on its back. When you pushed it it made that particular frog's call.
Jacob and Mimi touching a shark
The Kids and more sharks
Jacob's favorite part was when you went into a virtual cage to watch sharks. The floor moved and shook when the shark "attacked" the cage.
Yeah for fish!


Emily said...

Hey! I just discovered that your blog hasn't been feeding into my reader with the new security settings, so I haven't seen any of these posts. Looks like you've had a fun February, which is a real accomplishment!

Gwen Ernst said...

Does Newport have dolphins yet? I've only been once and that was a long time ago, so I was just wondering. I know I was sorely diappointed they didn't have them last time...I had just assumed. Looks like they've added some fun stuff though! I bet my Jakers would like that shark attack thing too!