This fall weather has been crazy. It has either been raining or too cold to do anything. Today was perfect, so we headed to Cox Arboretum for a walk and a picnic dinner. The trees that haven't been hit with frost are turning gorgeous colors, so there was lots to look at. Other people must have had the same idea because there were lots of families and photographers there taking pictures.

Family Photo Time

The Kiddos

My Parents with the kids

Running through the maze
Dad pushed Emmaline in the stroller and she loved chasing everybody!
I've had fun catching up with your blog - the email notification is definitely working!
We took pictures at the arboretum as well - but only the kids, I was flying solo.
Love the family shots - you're a great group!
Thanks Kelsey! Sorry to fill up your inbox, but I had to get caught up before NaBloPoMo starts. =) I was impressed with the assortment of pumpkins and gourds Cox had this year...lots of different ones and cool colors. Jacob's fav. was the gray one.
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