Thursday, February 21, 2008

First Birthday Check-up

In my infinite wisdom, I planned Emmaline's one-year check-up today. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend their birthday at the dr. getting 3 shots? So, it probably wasn't the best planning on my part, but we survived. Here are Emmy's stats:

Height: 28 1/4 inches (25%)
Weight: 17 pounds (3%)
She is still being measured on a typical growth scale instead of the T21 chart.

Overall, her pediatrician is happy with how she is doing. Her weight gain has slowed some (she only gained 8 ozs. in the past 3 months), so we are starting her on whole milk and Carnation Instant Breakfast (the poor man version of Pediasure). Considering she doesn't drink well from a cup yet, we'll see how successful this is. We are also starting private physical therapy. Emmy already has PT once/month through a government program, but we've decided that we want to be more proactive. She is probably on the low end of typical development at this stage and we don't want her to be any more delayed if we can help it.

A bonus of going to the dr. today...I discovered Emmaline's first tooth! She has been pretty crabby lately, so I assumed she was teething, but couldn't see or feel anything in the front of her mouth. While at the dr. today, she tore off some of the paper liner on the table and put it in her mouth. I put one of my fingers in to retreive it and lo and behold, she has a one-year molar poking through on the top right side. It never occured to me to look that far back, but there it is. If I have learned anything from Emmy's first year, it is that she will do things in her own time and order. Teething is apparently another example of that!

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